
Tips of Buying Mother of the Groom Outfits

It seems that we always mention mother of the bride dress, and we seem to forget mother of groom. Traditionally, mother of the bride selects her dress first, and then mother of the groom gets down to buying her outfit to match with the bridal party, and  her dress better not has any conflicts with mother of the bride dress. This is the traditional etiquette and we all should follow.


How can mother of the groom buy an appropriate dress to compliment the bridal party ? The following tips may help you get an desirable outfit.

First, choose the right color. The color of mother of the groom outfit should coordinate with the wedding theme, better not too shining. And the color for mother of the groom outfits should not be too close to the bridal dress, neither beige nor ivory is advisable. As mother of the groom, looking modest all day is the key point.

The fabric for mother of the groom outfit is also very important. As it is a big and also busy day with a lot of social greetings. Make sure you feel easy to walk around and can handle all things comfortably. Do not wear uncomfortable tight outfits or cheap fabric that may easily get damaged during the day. Heels should not be too high or you may feel painful all day. The last tip is for matching. Every dress needs accessories to match with it. Pearls are most matching to mother of the groom dress, especially when your outfit has a low neckline. Pearls will make you look elegant and stylish at the same time.

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