
How to Word Dress Attire for Themed Weddings

Themed weddings are getting popular, and it is very normal to attend a specific themed wedding party nowadays. Brides organize their entire wedding based on their favorite colors. Usually the bridesmaid dress color and the flowers reflect the wedding  theme vividly. If you want a perfect themed wedding and suggest that your guest dress in your wedding colors to avoid clashing in photographs. You can make a note on the wedding invitation so that guest can purchase outfits if necessary! Evening wedding guest dress does play an important part in a successful themed wedding. 


Pick a color as the theme color for your wedding day. The color should be not only your favorite, but also looks good on many people. For example, if you choose pink as the main color for the wedding, your male guests will be difficult to find the right outfits. Green and blue have many color shades, so your guests have a bigger choices rather than being stuck with one or two choices. 


Choose your wording carefully on the wedding invitations. Do not be too demanding which will make your guests uncomfortable. Here is an example to state that properly: We invite you to join the wedding's color palette by wearing a shade a green. 


Or you can attach a card with your wedding invitations suggesting guests wear a certain color to your wedding. If you put the request on the wedding invitation, it'll seem too wordy. An insert card would be a proper way to tell your guests the wedding attire. 

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