
The Best Color Ideas For A September Wedding

f you decide to get married in September, the best colors for your wedding can combine the ending of summer and the beginning of fall. It is your own choice on how much of each one that is included on your wedding day. I believe a September wedding color scheme will be as stunning as you imagine. 


Various shades of yellows are also some of the best colors for a September wedding. It is the end of summer, so it makes you think of the sunshine and fun, while the more subdued hues make you think of the crisp fall days of falling leaves that are ahead. Flower choices include daisies, sunflowers, yellow carnations, yellow roses and calla lilies. 




Many dresses will now be showing up at this time of the year in a mixture of golds and oranges. When you think of the leaves changing color, all the variations of the hues can be found. If you choose to go this route, pair these with table linens in lighter shades of the same or in an off-white. Flowers choices include tiger lilies, orange vanda orchids, bicolor roses, mango mini callas and many other varieties that come in golds and oranges. Jewel choices include orange sapphires, mandarin garnets, tiger's eye and amber. These can be Incorporated into bridal pieces, candleholders and other decorations around the room.




When speaking of any of the changing seasons, red is always a great hue to incorporate into any color scheme. It gives a pop of contrast and interest. Jewel choices include garnets, rubies, sponge corals, red jaspers and eudialyte spinels. Many decorations can be homemade using the more common stones, including vases and the ribbons on bridal bouquets. Flower choices include classical roses, poppies, red peonies, red vanda orchids, aranda orchids and antique Dutch hydrangeas. For a touch of elegance, mix one or two of the more expensive roses in with some of your other cheaper floral arrangement choices when deciding on the best colors for a September wedding. Or simply scatter the petals around the room to create an instant air of romance on the big day.



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