
How To Pick Proper Outfits For Casual Fridays

What women can wear on casual Fridays is similar to what would be worn during the week, although a little less dressy. Nice pants with a blouse or sweater could make for an appropriate outfit for work. Women who would rather wear a skirt should consider selecting one that is basic and simple but comfortable and in a neutral color. Dark, fashionable jeans can be appropriate for some offices, especially when paired with a nice sweater or professional-looking blouse.

While businesses typically want their employees to look professional, many have adopted the practice of having casual Fridays, where instead of wearing business attire, employees are allowed to dress down a bit. This more relaxed, business casual dress code usually includes khakis or similar trousers with an open-collared or polo shirt for men, and similar pants or a casual skirt and top for women. Some businesses allow nice jeans and even T-shirts, although dress codes vary on these points. It's important not to go too casual on casual Fridays and in this regard it's important to avoid athletic as well as worn or sloppy looking pieces.

Make-up and jewelry should be kept tasteful and to a minimum. A pair of heels or flats would be appropriate shoes to wear; some offices might allow sandals, but in many cases, open-toed shoes are never allowed, so it's best for a woman to check with HR.

While casual Fridays signify a more relaxed wardrobe, there are still clothing pieces that should be left for non-working hours. Sweatshirts with hoods or not, tank tops, and worn T-shirts may look sloppy. Athletic gear, like yoga pants and athletic shorts, should be avoided. Other overly casual outfits to avoid include any shirts with an advertising message, foul language, or which promote drug or alcohol use, as well as Hawaiian shirts — unless the company specifically recommends them, which some do — and other beach wear.

Whatever clothing is worn, it should be without holes, wrinkles, and stains. Shoes should look presentable and be clean no matter what they are worn with. In addition, hair should be neatly combed and styled.

Even though employees can relax a bit on casual Fridays, they should still be well dressed and serve as good representatives for the company they work for. This means clothing should not be too tight or too loose. Women should avoid strapless — and in many cases, sleeveless — tops or anything too revealing, such as shirts with low necklines or bare midriffs. In rare cases, Bermuda shorts may be worn, but many offices find that shorts of any kind are inappropriate.

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